Today was a sad day for me. We had to leave Colorado Springs, which meant I had to sit in the backseat again most of the day. Just when I settled in for a long nap on the boring highway, I heard Mom ask Dad to take the side route so we could have lunch in Taos. What in God's name is wrong with this woman? The next couple of hours were a ride from hell for me: up and down, sharp curves, all the while Mom and Dad saying "look at the horses," "look at the river," "wow, do you see that ranch?". Meanwhile, I'm sitting in the backseat thinking, "look at your dog" or "can we stop now?".
Thankfully, my suffering was worth it when we reached Taos, New Mexico. Dad and I were both skeptical at first, but the town was definitely worth the visit. We met a lot of really nice people and had lunch on the patio at Bent Street Grille. Then I got a Pup Cup at Cafe Sagrado, because I'm the best dog.
Then, it was back in the car (long sigh) and we drove on to Santa Fe, New Mexico. I will say that New Mexico is colorful. Most of the buildings are adobe, so the bright colors really work. We walked around Historic Santa Fe and stopped for dinner on the patio at Plaza Cafe, which first opened in 1905. That's even older than my Memere, and she would have been 100 this year. Mom and Dad overestimated their spicy heat tolerance and ordered a frito pie and burrito. Apparently traditional New Mexican food can burn the lining off your palette.
Anyway, the officials must have heard I was in town, because before we were finished eating a small parade led by a mariachi band came by (see the video). It even had a fancy couple waving to me. I had no idea my celebrity status would be recognized this far from home!